Game Settings:

  • Half Length
  • Options – 5, 10
  • Controls
  • Options: Any, Manual, Semi-Assisted
  • Game Speed
  • Options: Normal, Fast, Slow
  • Squad Type
  • Squad type must always be set to “Online”
  • Custom formations are NOT allowed. If you see an opponent using custom formations, please record a video and send it to the support team as evidence. 
  • Drawing/Tying a Match (FUT): If the match ends in a draw after full time, carry on with extra time and penalties.
  • Drawing/Tying a Match (Online Seasons): If the match ends in a draw after full time, start another regular game and the winner is decided by whoever scores the first goal (Golden Goal). If one of the users refuses to play the golden gaol, the user will automatically forfeit the match.